When looking at all of the issues that our Native American brothers and sisters have faced in the past, present and future, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, and think to yourself “What can I POSSIBLY do about this to make a difference?” Great news — aside from donating, which is aways appreciated, there is a lot that can be done to make an impact on the injustices done against our people and improve lives.


A huge part of The Red Road’s mission is the education of the general public on the history of Native American culture in North America and the state of our culture and living conditions today. Our awareness outreach program involves both Native American events and speaking engagements. Featured topics include Native American Issues and Rights, The Celebration of Diversity, Created for a Purpose, Overcoming Odds, Breaking the Cycle of Death and Destruction, God in North America, How God Speaks Through Creation, and Native American Boarding Schools—The Unknown Killer of Tribal Culture.

We are happy to host events or give impactful, educational speeches at colleges, camps, elementary schools, chapels, churches, corporate offices and more.

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Depending on where schools are located, much of the history taught is cherry-picked to glaze over numerous injustices. This is a disservice to the history that our Native American people have lived through. Adding Native American history facts and cultural information to a curriculum can foster knowledge and understanding and can help alleviate, if not cut at the root, the misunderstandings and prejudices that have prevailed through hundreds of years.

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Many of the issues that exist today are the result of poor government policy. Expansive change can happen if those policies change, which must be carried through at the state and government level. The representatives of the people of the United States can work to change those policies if they know that their constituents care about these policy topics. Concise, well thought out, personalized letters to members of Congress are one of the most effective ways Americans have of influencing lawmakers. It’s usually most effective to send letters to the representative from your local Congressional District or to the senators from your state. To find your representative, click the button below.

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