The Red Road exists to empower and minister hope to Native communities. We challenge each other on a daily basis to live by traditional values, thus honoring our culture and those who have died to protect these principles. We also strive to raise awareness and educate the public about the extensive history and current condition of Indigenous culture, reshaping perceptions of our often misunderstood people.
We celebrate Indigenous culture and educate others on past and present cultural challenges and what can be done to alleviate them.
We arm Native individuals and communities with the tools needed to once again become a self-sustaining people. We develop and cultivate current empowerment opportunities for Natives living on reservations or within Native communities to help them develop alternative revenue streams.
We minister the love demonstrated by our Creator through his Son, Jesus, to our First Nations people. This is done, primarily, through building relationships, meeting the practical needs of our Native people and working with them to break the cycles of addictions in individual lives.
We believe that as people experience our Native culture with an open heart, that they will develop a greater acceptance for all things culturally different and have greater respect for people, land, and all aspects of creation, of which we are stewards.
The Red Road is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.